Anakapalli (Zamindari)


StateMadras (Vizagapatam Dist.)
Revenue₹ 1,22,000
Area769.226 km²
Population18,539 (1901)
Also known asAnakapalle

Present Head/Ruler


Short History

Goday families belong to the Perike (Perike Rajulu / Puragiri Kshatriya) caste and the Chatrasala Mallu gotram. Their history starts with Chenna Malla Bhupaludu who lived around 1650. The Goday family (second richest after Vizianagram) was one of the most ancient and highly respected families in the Northern Circars of Southern India, tracing its origin to Janyaraju, second son of Giriraju, a King of the Ekshavaku Dynasty of the Solar Race, and founder of the city of Bhogavathi. Other estates founded by the Goday family, include, Embaram, Kuppili, Korupolu, Gottipalle, Godecharla, Bharinikam, Munagapaka, Sriram Puram and Sher Muhammed Puram.


  • Chenna Malla Bhupaludu, married and had issue. He lived about 1650.
    • Akkanna Bhupati, married and had issue, two sons.
      • Suranna [aka Pedda Surya Rao], he was a Mughal sardar and built the Harihara temple in Wakatippa; married Rani Gumpamma, and had issue, five sons.
        • Uppanna Rao
        • Sarvesha Rao
        • Jagga Rao [aka Jagga Raya] (qv)
        • Bhupathi Rao
        • Gopalu Rao
      • Ramachandrayya Rao
  • Sri GODAY JAGGA RAO I, Zamindar of Anakapalli, born circa 1714, third son of Sardar Pedda Surya Rao, and his wife, Sri Rani Gumpamma, married Rani Ankamaba, and had issue, four sons.
    • Sri Surya Rao, youngest son, married Rani Subadramma, and had issue, one son and two daughters.
      • Sri Pedda Goday Jagga Rao II [Pedda Jagga Raya] (qv)
      • Rani Appaayamma, married Krishnaya Madina, and had issue.
        • Suranna Madina, married (his cousin), Rani Subadrayamma, born 1781, died 1840, daughter of Sri Pedda Goday Jagga Rao II, and his second wife, Sri Rani Subadramma (see below), and had issue.
      • Rani Seetayamma, married into Chevala family.
  • Sri PEDDA GODAY JAGGA RAO II, Zamindar of Anakapalli -/1805; he served as interpreter in the Machilipatam Chief-in-council for the British and distinguished himself in the service of Government; married 1stly, Sri Rani Krishnamma, she died sp, married 2ndly, Sri Rani Subadramma, and had issue. He died 1805 aged 60 years.
    • Sri Rani Subadrayamma, born 1781, a prominent Telugu poetess; married (her cousin), Suranna Madina, son of Krishnaya Madina, and his wife, Rani Appayamamba (see above), and had issue. She died 1840.
    • Sri Rani Bangaramma
    • Sri Goday Surya Prakasa Rao (qv)
    • Sri Rani Lakshminarasayamma
    • Sri Goday Bhaskara Rao
    • Sri Goday Surya Narayana Rao, 1st Zamindar of Shermuhammedpuram, born 1792, founded various charitable institutions, contributed largely to various public works and and during the famine of 1833, fed a large number of poor in the neighbourhood of Nellore; married 1stly, Rani Bangaramamba, daughter of Chevala Jagga Raya, married 2ndly, Rani (name unknown), married 3rdly, Rani Seetayamma, and had issue. He died 1853.
      • Sri Raja Venkata Jagga Rao (by Rani Bangaramamba), 2nd Zamindar of Shermuhammedpuram, born 1817, educated privately in Madras, and under the the tutelage of Thomas Glanville Taylor, the Government astronomer at Madras Observatory from 1830 to 1848, astronomy was his passion and on his return to Visakapatam in 1838, he himself established an observatory there in 1840; married and had issue. He died 1856.
        • Rani Achayammagaru, married Raya Bahadur Ankitham Venkata Narasinga Rao, 3rd Zamindar of Shermuhammedpuram and Yembaram, and had issue, one son.
      • Sri Maharaja Sir Goday Narayana Gajapathi Rao Bahadur Garu (by Rani Seetayamma) (qv)
      • Sri Rani Ratnayamma, married G. L. Naringa Rao, and had adoptive issue.
        • (A) adoptive daughter, married (as his third wife), her uncle, Maharaja Sir Goday Narayana Gajapathi Rao Garu.
  • Sri SURYA PRAKASA RAO, Zamindar of Anakapalli 1805/1841, born 1788, a naturalist and botanist of repute, passably fluent in the English language; married Sri Janakayamma (qv); and had issue. He died spm in 1841 aged 53 years.
    • Sri Rani Ratnayamma (qv)
  • Sri Rani Janakayamma, Zamindarani of Anakapalli 1841/-, married Sri Surya Prakasa Rao (see above).
  • Sri Rani Ratnayamma, Zamindarani of Anakapalli -/-; she died sp.
  • Sri Maharaja Sir GODAY NARAYANA Gajapathi Rao Garu C.I.E, Zamindar of Anakapalli -/1903; born 1st December 1828, educated at Hindu College, Calcutta; Zamindar of 9 Estates, Anakapalli, Bharinikam and Munagapaka in Vizagapatam District, in Anakapalle Taluk, Godecharla, Korupolu, Nakkapalli (sold in three parts, due to arrears of tribute in 1822), and Srirampuram in Sarvasiddhi Taluk, Kuppili and Shermuhammedpuram in Chipurupalle Taluk, Embaram and Gottipalle in Benares, Ganjam and Godavari Districts; M.L.C. (Madras) 1868/1884; he established and maintained several schools; he presented the statue of Her Majesty the Queen Empress of India to the city of Madras in honour of Her Majesty’s Jubilee in 1887; and made large donations to many public institutions; he received from His Holiness the Pope Leo XIII through his Delegate Apostolic in the East Indies, in 1891, a mosaic picture as a mark of appreciation of his kindness shown to the Catholics of Vizagapatam; C.I.E. [cr.1892], Maharaja [cr. 21.5.1898], Raja [cr.1881], a Fellow of the University of Madras; in 1894 he was made a Knight Commander of the Order of St. Gregory the Great (Civil Class); married 1stly, Sri Maharani Janaki Amma, daughter of Madina Jagga Rao Garu, C.S.I., married 2ndly, (name unknown), married 3rdly, his maternal niece, and had issue, two daughters. He died May 1903.
    • Elder daughter [Maharani Lady Gajapati Rao] (qv)
    • Sri Rani Sahiba Lakshmi Narasayamma Patta Mahadevi Garu (second daughter) (by Sri Maharani Janaki Amma), her children inherited Kuppili, married 19th May 1897 in Vizagapatam, Madras, Sri Sri Sri Raja Vyricharla Virbhadra Raju Bahadur Garu of Kurupam, and had issue. She died in childbirth on 7th July 1901.
  • [Maharani Lady Gajapati Rao], Zamindarani of Anakapalli 1903/-; she inherited Anakapalli, Bharinikam, Munagapaka, Godecharlaand Srirampuram; married HH Thakore Sahib Shri Dajirajji Raisinhji of Wadhwan. She died sp after 1919.

Other Members

  • Sri Jagga Rao, he purchased the village of Chipurupalle in Chipurupalle Taluk in 1844; married and had issue, one son.
    • Sri Venkata Narayana Rao, Zamindar of Chipurupalle -/1882; married and had issue, as well as adoptive issue. He died spm in 1882 when the estate came under the Court of Wards.
      • (A) Daughter, married and had issue.
        • Sri Venkata Narayana Rao, adopted by his grandmother in 1895, comes of age in 1908.