Bombay Presidency (1901)

Bombay Presidency, the Western presidency of British India, is divided into four revenue Divisions and twenty-five districts1This total includes Bombay City and Island, which is treated as a separate district under a Collector, but does not include the new district formed in 1906 by the partition of Khandesh.. It also includes numerous Princely States, which were in political relations with the Government of Bombay before 10th October 1924 on which date the Kathiawar and other States were taken over by the Government of India. The British Districts, including Sind, contain a total area of 318528.56 km² and a total population of 18,515,587 (1901 census), the Princely States under the Bombay Government cover an additional area estimated at 170,320.99 km², with a population of 6,908,648; a total area for the Presidency of 488,849.55 km² and a population of 25,424,235. In the geographical limits of the Presidency are included the Portuguese Possessions of Goa, Daman and Diu, with an aggregate are of 3,807.3 km² and a population (1900) of 531,798, also the state of Baroda2In 1875, the political control of the state of Baroda, was transferred from Bombay to the Supreme Government of India; as it comes within the Presidency limits, it is included here., with an area of 20,976.41 km² and a population of 1,952,692, which is under the political control of the Government of India. The outlying settlement of Aden has an area of 207.2 km², with a population of 43,974. The capital of the Presidency is Bombay City.

State/AgencyArea (km2)TownsVillagesPopulationStatesNote(s)
Kaira Agency906.5028875,2251comprises the sole state of Cambay; part of Baroda and Gujarat States Agency from 1937
Cutch Agency3The Kutch Agency was one of the agencies of British India and was managed by the appointed Political Agent at the headquarters in Bhuj. it had a surface of 19,725.44 km², not including the Rann of Kutch. The agency was formed in 1819 when Cutch State became a British protectorate. On 10th October 1924, the Cutch Agency was abolished and merged into the Western India States Agency, which had four subdivisions.19,725.448937488,0221comprises the sole state of Kutch
Kathiawar Agency54,084.38524,1632,329,196(192)comprises Eastern Kathiawar and Western Kathiawar Agencies
Mahi Kantha Agency9,137.5261,723361,545(51)
Palanpur Agency20,720.0031,188467,271(17)
Rewa Kantha Agency12,898.2062,817479,065(62)
Surat Agency2,722.092375161,342(19)
Kolaba Agency839.16223285,4141comprises the sole state of Janjira
Thana Agency802.90110647,5381comprises the sole state of Jawhar
Savantvadi Agency2,398.341226217,7321comprises the sole state of Savantvadi
Sholapur Agency1,289.82110282,0471comprises the sole state of Akalkot
Poona Agency4831483137,2681comprises the sole state of Bhor
Khandesh Agency4,203.57042633,272(16)includes the Dang states, with a population of 18,663, now in Surat Agency (1907)
Satara Agency2,185.961142109,660(6)also known as the Satara Jagirs Group
Nasik Agency932.4005611,5321comprises the sole state of Surgana
Kolhapur Agency7,394.4591,056910,0111comprises the sole state of Kolhapur
Southern Maratha Jagirs10,367.7732700694,749(9)includes Jath and Daflapur, with a population of 68,665, now forming Bijapur Agency (1907)
Dharwar Agency181.3012218,4461comprises the sole state of Savanur
Sukkur Agency15,669.501153199,3131comprises the sole state of Khairpur
Grand-Totals170,320.99129170,320.996,908,648(383)includes all Native States and Agencies within the Bombay Presidency
Bombay Presidency488,849.5532840,69425,424,235including Native States and Agencies, as above


  • 1
    This total includes Bombay City and Island, which is treated as a separate district under a Collector, but does not include the new district formed in 1906 by the partition of Khandesh.
  • 2
    In 1875, the political control of the state of Baroda, was transferred from Bombay to the Supreme Government of India; as it comes within the Presidency limits, it is included here.
  • 3
    The Kutch Agency was one of the agencies of British India and was managed by the appointed Political Agent at the headquarters in Bhuj. it had a surface of 19,725.44 km², not including the Rann of Kutch. The agency was formed in 1819 when Cutch State became a British protectorate. On 10th October 1924, the Cutch Agency was abolished and merged into the Western India States Agency, which had four subdivisions.